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Welcome to my unfiltered ventures, where I invite you to join me on a candid journey through the highs and lows of female entrepreneurship in London. From experiencing the city to balancing the demands of small business ownership, I'll share my daily struggles, triumphs, and everything in between. Keep fit(fat)ish with me and watch as I take on the exclusive and outdated myths of the fitness industry.  Focused on making the most of this vibrant life, painting the town pink with each new venture.



Hey there, thanks for stopping by! 
I'm Kerryn, a 27-year-old  South African-turned-Londoner who's been navigating the city's hustle since February 2019. My limiting beliefs and struggles around weight and body image have left me determined to disrupt the status quo in the wellbeing and fitness industry. Strongly function over fashion, I am on a quest to find my unique style, truth, and success. Join me on this journey because, as they say, the journey is supposed to be the best part.

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I am here to be connected- so CONNECT! 
Send me stories, questions, comments -Anything! 
Health, Real Life, London Living and Entrepreneurial Hacks are some of my favorite topics- and of course, anything PINK!

Thanks for submitting! We’ll send you a price quote soon.

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